VX Search Ultimate 5.2.24 /5MB
Power computer users and IT administrators are provided with advanced search capabilities such as the ability to search files in multiple servers and/or NAS storage devices simultaneously, automatic report generation, SQL database integration and conditional notifications allowing one to send E-Mail notifications when a search operation finds a user-specified number of files.
Frequently used file search operations may be pre-configured, saved as user-defined search profiles and performed fully automatically using the VX Search GUI application or direct desktop shortcuts allowing one to execute search commands in a single mouse click. Finally, VX Search Ultimate provides a command line utility capable of executing user-defined search commands periodically using the Windows built-in task scheduler and enabling periodic generation of search reports and automatic E-Mail notifications.
OS : Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8
Language : English
Home Page - http://www.vxsearch.com
Direct download size of 5 MB with keygen
Zip file password: Soft98.ir (type the password)
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