Amigabit Powerbooster PRO - a powerful suite of tools that gives computer users all the tools you need to optimize and speed up the performance of your PC. This PC optimizer analyzes and optimizes your computer, finds and removes from cluttering your hard drive, defragment and clean the registry, fix errors in the system, reduces the startup time Windows, defragment your hard drives and more.
Quick Scan
Deep Scan
Driver Backup
Protect Privacy
Memory Manager
Startup Manager
Uninstall Manager
Process Manager
Shutdown Scheduler
Disk Defragmenter
Disk Cleaner
Disk Check
Registry Cleaner
Registry Defrag
Context Menu Fixer
Shortcut Cleaner
Undelete Deleted Files
Unlock Locked Files
File Shredder
File Encryption
Cloned File Finder
File Splitter
Empty Folder Finder
Top File Finder
1.Install Amigabit PowerBooster PRO.
2.Copy Cracked DLL To Program Installation Directory.
3.Done, Enjoy!.
Direct download 10 Mb with crack
Zip file password: Soft98.ir (type the password)
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